Sunday Morning Worship • 10:00am
Dr. Robert L. Bryan, Jr., prophet, pastor, teacher, preacher and author, called and commissioned by God to minister to the masses. Dr. Bryan the teacher equips the believer through rightly dividing the word, destroying myths and fables, bringing light into dark places with truth and understanding. Through his preaching ministry, he brings faith in the message of Christ crucified to a world desperately in need of a savior.
Before we can fully understand that biblical principle of fear verses faith, we must first understand that fear and faith are opposing opposites. Oddl... Read More
As we know Hebrews 11:1 describes faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Although we cannot physi... Read More
We all know that life brings up’s and downs and in some cases we may find ourselves in a crisis situation. Here are three biblical solutions t... Read More
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